Tagged: #health


Pan Masala Advertising

Disclaimer: This is supposedly my first post on marketing/ advertising (supposedly used just like that-a heavy word in the first line of the post supposedly creates a good impression). There will be whole lot...


Writer’s block. Runner’s block.

Disclaimer: I have not written in a long time so i cant call myself a writer. I know of writer’s block and has been happening to me. Either I don’t get ideas or I...


Gurgaon Road Runners

Grrr… No it is not the abbreviation, I am actually grinding my teeth in disgust. I know everybody would be writing good things about this group, I have a different take. Read on if...


Why do I run?

Disclaimer: I have uploaded the before after picture at my own risk, fully aware of the fact that posting such embarrassing pictures can lead to reduced number of followers but I have taken this...